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Overstaying in Saudi Arabia Penalty Picture Of The Holy Mosque In Saudi Arabia

Overstaying in Saudi Arabia Penalty

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Written By Arabiers Digital & Reviewed by Fatima Al Kaabi

16 June 2024 | 13 min read

Saudi Visas typically have a set duration that allows individuals to stay in the country before they are required to depart. Those who exceed their visa's allotted time and continue to stay in the country will typically face repercussions and may be subject to legal action, like a penalty for overstaying their visa in Saudi Arabia by the local immigration authorities.

It is crucial to be aware of the terms and conditions of your Saudi visa and adhere to them. Overstaying a visa in Saudi Arabia can have serious consequences, and the penalties can be severe in certain countries. This advisory guide provides essential information on the penalty of overstaying in Saudi Arabia for individuals who overstayed their Saudi visas in 2023.

What Is The Penalty For Overstaying A Visa In Saudi Arabia?

Any visitor who is caught overstaying a visa in Saudi Arabia will be charged a fine of 100 SAR (98 AED) per day of overstay. Saudi Arabia started issuing visit visas only after opening for tourists in September 2019. Prior to that, only expatriates and special people were allowed entry to the Kingdom.

How Is The Penalty For Overstaying A Visit Visa In Saudi Arabia Calculated?


Overstaying fines can be calculated in two ways:

  1. Your duration of stay has expired, and you still need to leave the country or extend your visa. For example, your visa allows you to stay for 90 days in Saudi Arabia. If you have stayed in the country on the 91st day, you will be considered overstaying. If you leave the country on the 95th day, you will have to pay a fine of 500 SAR, since the overstay fine in Saudi Arabia is 100 SAR per day, before exiting the country.
  2. Your duration of stay isn't over, but your visa validity period has expired. If you hold a Saudi eVisa, it has a validity period of one year and permits a stay of 90 days. Suppose you are in Saudi Arabia when your eVisa's one-year visa validity is over. In that case, you will be penalized for overstaying visa in Saudi Arabia even if you still need to complete the allowed 90-day stay period.

Where To Pay The Penalty For Overstaying Visit Visa In Saudi Arabia?


The overstaying fines will be calculated during the exit at the airport's Immigration/Jawazat counter. You can settle your fine for overstaying visa in Saudi Arabia at the Immigration counter before boarding the flight.

How To Avoid Overstay Fine In Saudi Arabia?


f you want to avoid paying any penalty for overstaying your visa in Saudi Arabia, you have the following options:

01   Exit the country on time.

It is always wise to confirm your visa expiry date and the last date of your permitted stay in Saudi Arabia from your visa consultant. Our consultants will answer all your queries without any hesitation. The chances of overstaying are very low if you know the exact date you should leave Saudi Arabia.

02   Travel a minimum of 2 days before your visa expiry date.

This will give you a buffer period in case of unexpected flight delays or cancellations that can prolong your stay in Saudi Arabia. The worst option is to travel on the day your visa expires, as any sudden delays can result in you having to pay for an overstaying visa in Saudi Arabia.

03   Apply for an extension before your visa expires.

If you want to stay longer, but your visa is over, your safest option is to extend your visa by contacting Arabiers or a reputable travel firm.

04   Exit the country and enter with a new visa.

You can exit Saudi Arabia and return to the UAE before your visa expires, apply for a new visa and travel back to Saudi Arabia.

05   Have a clear understanding of the Saudi visa type you applied for.

You can easily ask for these details from your Arabiers visa consultant so that you are more mindful of your travel.

Is Overstaying Visa In Saudi Arabia A Major Offense?



There is no such news regarding overstaying your Saudi Visit Visa as a major offense. However, in previous years, overstaying a Saudi residence visa resulted in hefty fines and imprisonment and, in rare cases, being blacklisted from re-entering the country. In the UK, if someone overstays their visa, they can be charged with a criminal offense under section 24 of the Immigration Act 1971. On the other hand, in the UAE, no legal provision considers it a crime to overstay a visitor's visa or a residence visa that has expired. It is always better to be safe than sorry and respect the laws of the country we are visiting. The best and safest practice is to avoid overstaying, which will save us money and from unnecessary trouble.

Will Overstaying Affect My Re-Entry?


This is entirely dependent on the decisions made by the Saudi Immigration team that is reviewing your visa.


The penalty for overstaying visa in Saudi Arabia is 100 SAR (98 AED) per day of overstaying. This means that if you overstay 5 days from your visa expiry day you will have to pay 500 SAR.

If your visa expires in Saudi, you will face an overstay fine in Saudi Arabia unless you have already applied for a visa extension. If you haven't applied for an extension, you will have to pay the fine at exit time.