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How to Check My Visit Visa Expiry Date in UAE? Woman Siting With Her Laptop Checking Expiry Date of Visa

How to Check My Visit Visa Expiry Date in UAE?

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Written By Arabiers Digital & Reviewed by Robeena Brown

03 July 2024 | 13 min read

You can check the Expiration validity of your UAE Visit Visa on the Federal Authorities for Identity & Citizenship, Customs & Port Security UAE website.

How to Check My UAE Visit Visa Validity

Do you know the status of your UAE Visit Visa? It is important to know when your UAE Visit visa will expire and its validity. In addition, it is important to know how you check the UAE Visit Visa application status.

The government of the United Arab Emirates has made it easy to check UAE Visit Visa Validity through the UAE government website. After entering your details, it is a one-stop place where you check all about the UAE Visit Visa.

Therefore, if you want to check your UAE visit visa validity, visit the Federal Authority for Identity & Citizenship, Customs & Port Security website.

Whether you are in UAE on a residence or visit visa, don't forget to check your visa status and if you need to update the visa before its expiry.

If you fail to check your visa status and it expires while in UAE, you will be required to pay fines and penalties for overstaying. You can avoid all this by visiting the website mentioned above and updating your visa because the UAE government offers a grace period after the visa expires to set things straight.

UAE Government Types of Visit Visas

There are two types of UAE visit visas;

  1. Single Entry: For single entry visas, you can choose between 1 month and 3 months, with 30 + 10 days or 60 + 10 grace period days beginning on the date of entry to UAE.
  2. Multiple Entries: Multiple entry visit visa allowed is valid for 30 or 60 days, and you can leave the country and enter again using the same visa, provided it is still valid. There is no grace period, and you will get fines for overstaying if your visa expires. Hence, it is important to check the status of your visa and note the expiry date.

How Can I Extend my UAE Visit Visa

If you have noticed your UAE visit visa is about to expire, worry not because you can extend your UAE visit visa. The process of extending the visa is hassle-free by even visiting the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security (ICA) website.

Visitors can now enjoy a 30-day visa extension twice (for a total of 60 days), thanks to the most recent reforms passed by the UAE visa system. That means that tourists do not need to leave the country at any point throughout their stay.

The whole process of extending the visit visa will be done while in UAE. You must pay an additional AED 600 for each new extension

If your visit visa expires as a tourist, note you have 10 days grace period to extend your visa or leave the country. After the 10 days are over, you will get fins for overstaying, and each day you will be required to pay 125.00 AED first day and each consecutive day AED 100.

Exception for UAE Visit Visa Extension

There are certain categories of visitors who, even though they are required to have a UAE visit visa while entering the country, are not obliged by the law to extend their visit visa even though it expires. These categories of people are;

  • residents of GCC countries
  • special entry permits
  • 96-hour permit for special missions

Overstaying Fines in UAE

All who overstay their visas are subject to fines in the United Arab Emirates. The government of the UAE recognizes that individuals may sometimes have legitimate reasons for overstaying their visas. Therefore rather than blacklisting them and making matters more complicated, they have decided not to do so.

They also acknowledge that these individuals were previously granted permission to reside in the country legally. There is no reason to criminalize or treat them if they have no history of known provocative behavior or criminal activity.

The government of the UAE recognizes and respects the fact that you have a deep affection for their nation and feel the need to remain there for a longer period. So, go ahead and stay. Just so you're aware, you committed some infringement, and as a result, you'll have to pay for it.

Before leaving, all that is required of you is to pay the costs automatically computed for you depending on the number of days you overstayed. After the expiration of the visit visa, everyone is given a grace period of ten extra days.

You are required to leave the state before the 10th day after the visa has expired, or else you will be subject to a penalty of 125.00 AED for the first day and then 100 AED for each day afterward.

If you have overstayed and want to know how much you have been fined, you can visit the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Dubai (GDRFA-Dubai). We strongly advise that you don't overstay your visit. However, if you do, make the most of it and don't break the law.

Changing to Residence Visa without Exit

A visit visa to the UAE can be procured for either 30 or 60 days and converted into either an employment visa or a residency visa.

In the event of a visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), in addition to the payment for the visa itself, a deposit from a local sponsor, relative, or any resident is also necessary. This deposit will be repaid when the tourist has successfully exited the country.

When it comes to employment visas, the decision rests with your company. Within two to five working days after signing the offer letter, your company needs to submit your details, including a copy of your passport, to apply for a residency visa and an Emirates ID on your behalf.

Once this is done, your organization will receive an application form (finished with barcodes and everything), which you will use for a medical fitness exam once it is made available. If your organization chooses to pay for the "VIP" application, the test should be ready within twenty-four hours, but if it is standard, it should be ready between three and five days.

The government of the UAE is continuously making investments in automated systems, and the process is getting better every day. If you pass the physical exam, the results are forwarded to the immigration department responsible for processing your resident visa.