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Achieve Lasting Weight Loss with Ayurveda Treatment Ayurvedic Weight Loss Treatment

Achieve Lasting Weight Loss with Ayurveda Treatment

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Written By Arabiers Digital & Reviewed by Robeena Brown

22 November 2024 | 13 min read

Ayurveda weight loss treatment is a natural approach that is used to help people in losing the excess weight from their body. This treatment works in various ways which including suppressing anger, boosting metabolism and suppressing appetite. 

If you intend to take this Ayurveda treatment you must begin by checking whether you are fat and needs to lose weight. This can be achieved by knowing your Body Mass Index(BMI). 

A BMI of above 30 indicates that a person is obese and if falls between 25 to 19.9 then you are overweight. Both states imply that you have excess weight and it is important to ensure that you embrace weight loss and get treatment.

Benefits of Ayurveda for Weight Loss

The medication is important in the weight loss journey in diverse ways since it is a natural means as opposed to the artificial means such as taking pills and medical products that are chemical laden. 

This method assures you of an all-natural approach to the treatment.  The treatment will also be of importance in balancing the ph. levels in your body and also treat any side effects as a result of new diet or exercise routine.

Why is Ayurveda Treatment the best for Weight Loss Management?

Some of the reasons whey Ayurveda weight loss treatment is the best approach to manage your weight includes;

•    It is a holistic approach that does not put its focus on only reduction of excessive fat in the boy and intense exercise. This approach instead focuses on addressing the root cause of the excessive weight gain such as imbalance in doshas, poor digestion and accumulation of toxins in the body.
•    The Ayurveda weight treatment approach focuses on sustainable results with long term wellness as opposed to short term fixes to the problem. This approach aims at improving the metabolic processes, digestion and balancing hormones which will end up giving sustainable results by addressing root causes.
•    The Ayurveda weight loss treatment is not a program that applied uniformly to everyone but it is personalized according to one’s assessment results. This [personalized treatment is created to align with your body’s rhythms and this ensures there is effectiveness and minimal risks such as resistance or reactions.
•    This approach also does not use any chemical based treatment but rather natural remedies and this makes it safe for everyone.  It mainly uses herbs, diet, panchakarma treatments and change in lifestyle.

Some of the treatments for Ayurvedic weight loss approach include:

Ayurvedic Herbs for Weight Loss

Ayurveda approach has many medication and herbs that are used for treatment but in this article, we are listing some of the popular and best herbs and medicines. Some include:

•    Triphala- This is made up of three fruits that helps in digestion and detoxification;
•    Guggul – This is an herb that helps in losing weight by boosting metabolism and reducing cholesterol levels in the body.
•    Ginger-  This is another herb that helps in improving digestion, enhancing metabolism and reducing appetite.
•    Green tea – This herbal treatment is rich in antioxidants and catechins that helps in enhancing the metabolism and burning of fats in the body.
•    Cinnamon -  This herbal treatment helps in regulating blood sugar levels and curbing cravings and this in turn promotes weight loss.
•    Licorice -  This herb reduces the accumulation of body fats and controlling the cravings and this consequently helps in managing the weight.
•    Turmeric -  This herb is important in reducing inflammation which aids in digestion since it comprises of curcumin which is important in the process.
•    Gracinia Cambogia – This herb helps in weight loss treatment by suppressing the appetite and hindering production of fats in the body.

Ayurveda weight loss treatment can be a success if you incorporate these natural herbs in your diet and maintain a healthy life style. It is therefore important to first consult with the doctor before taking these herbs so as to advise on the most suitable that will align with your body.

Ayurveda Weight Loss Treatment by Vanama and Virechana

Vamana and Virechana are two of the 5 main procedures of Panchakarma which is a traditional Ayurvedic detoxification and rejuvenation therapy. These two procedures do not directly lead to weight loss, but they are indirect contributors to weight loss by addressing the imbalances in the body.

Vanama procedure helps in the weight loss treatment by inducing controlled vomiting by use of herbal preparations. This procedure aims at removing excess kapha dosha and toxins from the upper respiratory and gastrointestinal tract.

Excess Kapha Dosha in the body can lead to weight gain, water retention in the body, slow metabolism as per the Ayurveda principles. Removing the excess Kapha Dosha and toxins in the body it can promote healthy metabolic process and hence manage weight.

Virechana procedure involves use of purgative herbs to prompt controlled movement of bowel and remove the excess pitta disha and toxins from the liver and gallbladder.  

Excess pitta dosh in the body lead to problems with digestion, inflammation and other imbalances that might lead to weight gain. This therefore means you need to promote detoxification and

pitta dosha balancing by improving digestion and metabolism to control weight.

Ayurvedic Weight Loss Treatment by Following a Diet

Mainly the excess weight gain in the body is caused by taking unhealthy food and to lose weight you need to replace these foods with healthy food. On of the best and commonly diet systems in replacing the processed foods with the plant based or the natural foods.

You can start your day by taking a number of proteins in the morning, some vegetables in the noon and then take some food rich in fiber at the end of the day. If you embrace such a system you will be living a healthy life and you will be able to treat excess weight in the body.

Also the Ayurvedic weight loss treatment includes the Mediterranean styled diet that was developed by experts from different cultures living around the Mediterranean Sea. 

This type of diet involves use of raw fruits, nuts, legumes, vegetables and whole grains. It also has some moderate use of cheese, fish, chicken and yoghurt.

The dash diet is designed to ensure the heart is healthy and this is done by ensuring there is low levels of cholesterol and saturated fats. It insists on lot of magnesium, fiber, calcium and potassium and almost zero sugar and red meat. 

The mind diet on the other hand insist on brain health and this is by combining the dahs diet and Mediterranean diet.

Ayurveda weight loss treatment by Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a fasting method that can for instance limit the consumption to between maybe 6 am to 2 pm and leave the rest of the day for fasting.  This method aims at modifying the metabolic processes of the body. 

If the food consumption stops for a certain period in insulin levels in the body will go down and the body will turn to accumulated fats as the primary source of energy. 

Fasting reduces the intake of calories in the body. Also the fasting can improve the insulin sensitivity and elevate human growth hormones levels and this can lead to loss of weight. During the fasting the body shifts to burning the fats that are stored after exhausting the glycogen reserves.

Ayurvedic Weight Loss Treatment by Yogasana

One of the biggest causes of weight gain and general poor health is stress and Yoga is one of the methods that can be sued to manage stress.  

Once you are stressed your body releases a hormone that increase the appetite and you will always want to eat more food abnormally.  

Yoga helps in balancing these hormones and you will end up managing the cravings of food and you will be able to manage the weight. It is also helps in general improvement of life and maintaining the healthy weight level by increasing the muscle tone and flexibility which are the main components in the process.  

Yoga also helps in burning the calories faster than other forms of exercise such as walking around or on the treadmill. This will consequently lead to weight loss and this makes it one of the best ways of treatment of excess weight in the body.

Ayurveda Treatment for Weight Loss by Udwarthanam

Udwarthanam is an Uyurvedic weight loss treatment method that involves a massage therapy where you apply the herbal powders on the body with specific movements.  This massage therapy is used to achieve various goals such as supporting weight loss, improving the skin health and reducing cellulite.  

However, this approach alone cannot manage the weight but experts suggests that this method needs to be combined with the holistic approach to health to be able to bear weight loss results.

During Udwarthanam the herbal powders are applied on the body and it is thoroughly massaged on to the body. This act of vigorously massaging helps in stimulating circulation and this stimulates the metabolism activity. The high metabolic rate will lead to increased calories burning which will end up in weight loss.

Excess Kapha Dosha leads to excessive weight gain and causes subcutaneous fat. The friction that is caused by massaging the powders on the skin during Udwarthanam is believed to help in breaking down the subcutaneous fat which makes it more accessible to the body for utilization.

Also this approach helps enhancing lymphic drainage and circulation.  This in turn helps in reducing the fluids retention in the body and hence eliminating the waste and toxins in the body. This leads to overall lightness in the body which will end up reducing the weight.

The Udwarthanam approach also helps in improving skin health by promoting circulation which improves skin tone and texture.  This can help in weight loss if the it is accompanied by loose or sagging skin.


If you are looking for a holistic approach to weight loss that does not involve any artificial ingredients, then this is the best option. You will need to consult an Ayurvedic physician to do the assessment so as to recommend the best ayurvedic treatment for your body so as to obtain optimal results.

Yes, the Ayurveda diet approach involves taking foods such as grains proteins, fruits, vegetables and some dairy products.  It is a great diet for teenagers since it only regulates the intake of processed foods and insists on plant based or natural foods. It does not involve starving or excessive consumption of food making it ideal for teenagers.

The Ayurvedic weight loss treatment is solely focused in ensuring you lose weight by consuming the right food, exercising, massages, taking herbal medicine among others. If you consistently follow the program as recommended by the experts, you will observe changes. However, this treatment approach aims at sustainable results which might take some time with discipline and consistency.