Normally our bodies are hard workers working throughout and processing a lot different inputs. The body also does the work of distinguishing what is good for you and what is not by rejecting all the harmful substances.
However, in today’s world the bodies are always fed with unending stressors some which are environmental. Processed foods, psychological stress, unresolved emotions among others causes stress to the body.
Over time this baggage accumulates in the body as it tries to process all and it ends up building a degree of toxicity. With time the toxic substances can be deposited in the body tissues and hurt the general health and functioning of the body.
This is where the Ayurvedic body cleanse comes in to help the body get a break. This process seeks to minimize the complex toxins the body is dealing with so as to rest, recover and repair itself to a fresh start.
If you are into ayurvedic lifestyle, the ayurvedic cleanse is an important part which helps in improving the energy, strength, immunity and general love and appreciation of life.
The ayurvedic body cleanse helps in improving the digestive fire strengthening the GI tract and the whole body. It does so by resting and cleaning the digestive system. This cleansing of the digestive fire is a solution to various imbalances that might be in your body system.
Some of the indications that your body needs Ayurvedic cleansing includes:
• Frequent lack of energy and frequent exhaustion
• Continuous struggle with digestion
• Intense cravings for salty, spicy and sweet foods.
• Scattered mind and struggle to focus
• Constantly feeling foggy headed and lethargic
• Constant stress and anxious feeling
• Having struggle listening to what your body needs like sleep, food, rest etc.
• Struggle to sleep and wake up
• It helps in promoting the clarity and groundedness of the minds and body and spirit
• Helps in maintaining the right body weight.
• Restores calmness in mind and the nervous system
• It promotes recovery to the personal natural state of balance
• It helps in promoting the sense of energy, vitality and renewed drive for life.
• Helps in restoring the normal sleep cycles
• Helps in enhancing regular and balanced elimination.
• Prepares the tissues for deep nourishment and rejuvenation.
• Promotes optimal health.
Traditionally, Ayurvedic cleansing involves four unique phases with each of them playing a key role in the cleansing process. They include:
As you prepare for cleansing the firsts step is to take your time to clean your diet and lifestyle. During this phase you will need to eliminate or drastically reduce the intake of coffee, caffeine, tobacco, alcohol and other recreational drugs.
Also during this phase, you need to reduce consumption of processed foods, dairy products, meat, refined sugars and sweets. You will need to focus on intake of whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, seeds and grains.
An Expert cleansing the lower abdomen
This is the heart of cleansing process. It is a period where one eats monodiet of grains, vegetables and many detoxifying fluids. This process can be complemented by a number of supportive lifestyle practices. You need to also embrace cleansing foods such as kitchari. This diet is good enough to allow you maintain your key responsibilities as you reset the digestive system at the same time.
During this phase of cleansing you need to take more steps that will support the impact of cleanse such as Ayurvedic self-massage using herbal oils (abhyanhga), yoga, gentle exercise, pranayama and taking ayurvedic herbs. The best food for this phase are the freshly cooked foods.
Also you need to change your lifestyle during this period. Some of the supportive lifestyle choices you can make include;
• Participating in things or activities that you find uplifting and satisfying.
• Keeping your activities as quite as possible.
• Ensuring you avoid stress or disturbing environments.
• Resting as much as possible and ensure most of your energy is focused on cleansing.
• In case of intense emotions always approach the situation with compassion, observe it with detached awareness and simply move on through.
This is the phase where you slowly diversify the diet, gradually incorporating simple, whole foods and finally reintroducing common allergens such as wheat, soy, dairy products and nightshades.
Note that during the active cleansing the body and the digestive system will be used to clean diet and will tend to be sensitive to overly stimulating or the processed foods. Therefore, it is recommended that in this phase you embrace a smooth and slow transition back to your normal routine.
During this phase your primary diet should be simple whole foods as you diversify with time. The more you will be committed to maintaining the diet of simple whole food the better for your cleansing process.
This is the phase where you can test stimulating foods such as dairy products, soy, wheat among others. You need to introduce these foods one by one giving each at least 24 hours to observe how they will react to the them. This is one of the most challenging part of the process as the body will be craving for stimulating diets after days of regulated diet. It therefore important to be mentally prepared for this phase.
You can plan a menu for this phase in advance to avoid finding yourself having a complex diet that will be difficult to digest. Be cautious at this phase and always have it mind that the longer you cleanse the more time you will need before the body regain its normal state.
This is the stage for the refreshment of the tissues and promote rejuvenation of the body. This is a whole separate phase from the cleansing itself.
It is important to take some time and reflect on your life after the completion of cleansing process so that you can get to things that you intended to do. It is important to honor all the efforts made during the cleansing by slowly and gently moving back to a more diverse diet and more typical routine.
Despite the fact that you will go through the reintroduction phase it is important to understand that it might take you a while; probably weeks, a month or more before you can fully realize the benefits of cleansing.
Do not be worried because the body will still be working to remove the toxins that are released during cleansing. This gives an opportunity to grow a deeper awareness of the body. Always ensure that you maintain the healthy diet and lifestyle so as to have a sustainable heathy life.
The cleanse length is solely determined Individually but it is important to plan the time you will need for every phase of cleansing. Ensure that you give every phase enough time to get the right value.
Generally, the longer the cleanse period the deeper the body cleansing will be. Also, of you take longer period to cleanse it will create a delicate digestive system for a while and this will require more dedication during the reintroduction phase.
It is important to choose a cleansing period that is convenient to you. This is because it is better to succeed in a shorter cleansing period than to struggle through a longer period or even end up abandoning it midway.
You can always opt for the longer period once you have time and you get used to the cleansing process.
If you opt for a longer cleansing of at least 7 days it might get intense for the body, mind and spirit. This can cause some imbalances which might lead to the body feeling bad before getting better. If you go for this cleansing, please ensure that you are doing so under the guidance of a well-trained Ayurvedic practitioner.
You need to take your time to plan well in good time before embarking on the body cleansing journey. You need to be intentional and proactive. There are some factors that you need to put into consideration as you plan your cleansing.
First you need to plan the right time. The body cleansing can be done any time of the year but the most appropriate one is during the transition from one season to the other when the body is ready for a sense of transition. The best and recommended time is the period between the fall and spring. Also ensure that during the cleansing period you minimize all the stress and avoid anything that might contribute to stress. Always aim to make the active cleansing days free from any other duties.
To achieve minimum stress during cleansing ensure that you select the days you will be free from other activities and you are home to do the active cleansing. However, if you cannot manage to free yourselves completely during the active cleansing phase plan so that the firsts days can be on a weekend to familiarize with the process.
Secondly, if you are menstruating you should plan your cleansing around your cycle so that you do not have active cleansing during your period days. However, if period come during the active cleansing you can proceed with kitchari diet but suspend the rest of the activities until menstruation is complete.